Azure Services:
- Azure Data Factory (ADF): Used for creating pipelines, loading data, and controlling activities.
- Azure Cache for Redis: Provides a caching solution.
- Azure Logic Apps and Functions: Logic Apps require a data gateway for on-premise integration, while Functions need premium for VNet connectivity.
- Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS): Allows data ingestion for long-term storage.
- Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse): Supports transaction data, daily jobs, analysis on stored SQL data, and development of notebooks.
- Azure Cosmos DB: Stores data in JSON-like format, supports SQL queries, low latency, multi-region writes, and provides a SQL DB API and Time Series Insight.
- Azure CycleCloud: Used for implementing high-performance computing (HPC) workloads.
- Azure Service Fabric: Enables independent upgrades of microservices.
- Azure Key Vault: Stores and manages cryptographic keys, secrets, and certificates.
- Azure SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI): Offers high-capacity storage for OLTP, but doesn’t support cross-database queries.
- Azure Monitor: Provides alerts for monitoring.
- Azure AD Connect Health: Checks the health of AD Connect.
- Azure Blueprint: Allows you to define and assign configurations to deployed resources.
- Azure Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS): Provides domain services.
- Azure Queue Storage: Enables communication using XML.
- Azure Application Insights: Used for in-app monitoring.
- Azure Resource Mover: Moves virtual machines (VMs) between regions.
- Azure Pipeline Release Pipelines: Supports building and deploying images to Azure Container Registry (ACR) and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
- Azure Blob Storage: Offers tiering and has a capacity of up to 4.77TB.
- Azure Policy: Can be applied to subscriptions, resource groups, and management groups.
Concepts and Features:
- Self-Hosted Integration Runtime: Used in Azure Data Factory for on-premise integration.
- Data Path Availability: Ensures availability of data paths in a system.
- SYN Count: Represents the number of SYN packets in a network communication.
- Database Transaction Units (DTUs): Measure the performance of an Azure SQL Database.
- Long-Term Retention: Required to retain data for 7 years in Azure SQL Database.
- Gremlin: Query language for Apache TinkerPop graph databases.
- VHD Files: Used for SQL Database and can reduce failover time using Distributed Network Name (DNN).
- Auto Sending Logs to Azure SQL: Azure SQL has a premium tier for redundant replicas.
- Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB: Allows data analysis without impacting database performance.
- Soft Delete: A feature that allows the recovery of deleted data.
- Hierarchical Namespaces: Organizational structure for managing Azure resources.
- Single Sign-On (SSO): Supported through App Proxy, Enterprise Applications, and Conditional Access.
- Priority Traffic Routing: Handled by Azure Traffic Manager.
- Azure AD Entitlement Management: Used to govern external users’ access rights.
- Azure Service Bus: Supports processing XML messages, topics, queues, and sessions.
- Azure Log Analytics: Provides subscription-related information.
- Microsoft Identity Platform: Manages tokens for identities.
- Cluster Autoscaler: Part of Azure Container Instances (ACI) to scale AKS by offloading Pods.
- Horizontal Scaler: Monitors metrics to scale resources.
- Dynamic Data Masking: Masks sensitive data in databases.
- Data Migration Assistant: Facilitates offline migrations of SQL Server servers starting from SQL Server 2012. 22. High-Performance Compute: H16r is an example of a high-performance compute instance, and Remote Directory Memory Access (RDMA) is used for efficient memory access.
- Azure Identity Governance: An alternative to Privileged Identity Management (PIM) for identity governance.
- Application Gateway: Includes an Ingress Controller (APIC) for managing inbound traffic to applications.
- Password-Based SSO: Enables single sign-on for applications that don’t support identity providers.
- Azure Instance Metadata Service Identity: Used for obtaining VM tokens.
Other Points:
- Load balancing can be achieved with Azure Load Balancer, which can be global.
- Bounded staleness provides strong consistency for databases.
- Smart lockout is used to prevent brute force attacks.
- Legacy authentication can be stopped using conditional access policies.
- Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Azure Front Door support connection limits.
- Azure Database Migration Service enables offline migrations of servers.
- Azure AD entitlement management is useful for governing external users’ access rights.
- Azure Policy can be applied at the subscription, resource group, and management group levels.
- Azure Monitor is responsible for sending alerts, while Application Insights is used for in-app monitoring.
- Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) can ingest data for long-term storage, and Blob Storage can also be used for this purpose.
- Azure Resource Mover facilitates the movement of VMs between regions.
- RA-GRS (Read-Access Geo-Redundant Storage) and SAS (Shared Access Signature) keys are used for Azure Storage.
- Azure Pipeline Release Pipelines support the building and deployment of ACR images to AKS.
- NC, DS, and NV are VM series types in Azure.
- Azure App Proxy, Enterprise App, and Conditional Access policies can be used for single sign-on of on-premises apps.
- Azure Firewall Parent and Child Policies must be in the same region.
- BlockBlobStorage is a premium storage option suitable for high-transaction scenarios.
- Caching log files is unnecessary, and setting data as read-only for caching can improve transaction speed.
- Resource locks can be used to prevent changes to an application for a specific period of time.
- Stored access policies can be used for data compliance.
- The CAF (Cloud Adoption Framework) includes the stages of Assess, Deploy, and Release.
- App Registrations can be used to avoid login prompts for internal corporate applications.
- Azure Service Bus supports processing XML messages, and Azure Event Grid and Azure Event Hubs are alternative options.
- AVRO is the format used for Event Hubs Capture to receive data.
- Azure SQL Diagnostics can be streamed to Log Analytics, SQL Analytics, Event Hubs, and Azure Storage. Multiple settings can be configured.
- Azure Identity Governance is used instead of PIM for certain reasons.
- Azure Instance Metadata Service Identity is used for obtaining VM tokens.
- Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse) allows the development of notebooks for multiple programming languages.
- Azure Cosmos DB replicates data across regions and provides four times redundancy within a region.
- Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB allows data analysis without impacting the performance of the database.
- Azure SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI) has limitations in working with cross-database queries.
- Azure Key Vault integrations can be configured in application settings, and backups are performed in the same geographical region.
- Azure Data Factory (ADF) can be used to move files from on-premise to storage containers by using ADF and an Import/Export job.
- Azure Blob Storage has the ability to perform tiering and has a capacity of 4.77TB.
- Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) can be used to ingest data for long-term storage and can be analyzed and queried without ingesting the data.
- Azure AD Connect Health is used to check the health of Azure AD Connect.
- Azure Policy allows for policy definitions that have “deployIfNotExists” and can be assigned through policy assignment and remediation.
- Azure ACI (Azure Container Instances) includes a cluster autoscaler that allows for scaling AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) by offloading pods.
- Azure Instance Metadata Service Identity is used for obtaining VM tokens.
- Azure AD Logs can be sent to Event Hubs through Functions into and Cosmos DB for processing and analysis.
- Azure SQL Database Hyperscale is optimized for online transaction processing (OLTP) and high throughput, supporting up to 100TB of data.
- Azure SQL Database has a maximum retention period of 730 days (2 years) for backups.
- Soft Delete is a feature that allows for the recovery of deleted data in Azure services.
- Azure Service Fabric enables independent upgrades of microservices, supports stateful and stateless services, and provides cluster management and health monitoring.
- Priority Traffic Routing is managed by Azure Traffic Manager, which routes traffic based on priority rules and policies.
- Azure Service Endpoints can be used to reduce latency and secure Azure resources by enabling direct network access between virtual networks and supported Azure services.
- Azure Database Migration Service enables online and offline migrations of on-premises databases to Azure.
- Azure Pipeline Release Pipelines support the building of container images in Azure Container Registry (ACR) and deploying them to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
- Azure Firewall Parent and Child Policies need to be located in the same Azure region for proper functionality.
- Azure Blob Storage supports various tiers, including hot, cool, and archive, for cost-effective storage options based on data access frequency.
- Azure AD Entitlement Management provides a centralized way to manage and govern external users’ access to resources and applications.
- Azure Instance Metadata Service Identity (IMDS) allows for obtaining tokens for Azure VMs to authenticate against Azure services.
- Azure Data Factory (ADF) allows you to create pipelines for data movement, transformation, and control activities.
- Azure Data Factory can integrate with Azure Databricks and Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse) for advanced data processing and analytics.
- Azure Data Factory can be used to automatically send logs to Azure SQL Database for storage and analysis.
- Azure Cosmos DB stores data in a JSON-like format and supports SQL queries with low latency.
- Azure Table Storage with Geo-Zone Redundant Storage (GZRS) can provide multiple-region write capability, similar to Azure Cosmos DB.
- Azure Cosmos DB Data Migration Tools can be used to migrate data to Azure Cosmos DB, including support for MongoDB migrations.
- Azure Synapse Analytics supports transactional data processing, daily job scheduling, analysis on stored SQL data, and the development of notebooks for multiple programming languages.
- Azure Key Vault is a secure storage service that allows you to manage and safeguard cryptographic keys, secrets, and certificates.
- Azure Service Bus supports messaging patterns using queues and topics, with options for session-based message processing and FIFO (First-In-First-Out) delivery.
- Azure Application Gateway includes an Ingress Controller (APIC) for managing inbound traffic to applications.
- Azure SQL Database offers features such as dynamic data masking for sensitive data protection and Always Encrypted for secure data encryption.
- Azure SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI) has specific capacity limits, including maximum CPU cores and allotted storage, with different performance tiers available.
- Azure Firewall can enforce network-level filtering rules to control inbound and outbound traffic to and from Azure resources.
- Azure DevOps Release Pipelines enable the deployment of container images built in Azure Container Registry (ACR) to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
- PolyBase can be used to move data from Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) to Azure Stream Analytics (ASA) for analysis.